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 Taras Shevchenko

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3 користувачів

Кількість повідомлень : 151
Дата реєстрації : 27.08.2015
Вік : 50
Звідки : Івано-Франківська обл

Taras Shevchenko Empty
ПовідомленняТема: Taras Shevchenko   Taras Shevchenko Icon_minitimeНд Жовт 30, 2016 7:02 pm

Taras Shevchenko
Taras Shevchenko 29741
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Кількість повідомлень : 32
Дата реєстрації : 19.10.2015
Вік : 23
Звідки : village Kutysche

Taras Shevchenko Empty
ПовідомленняТема: Re: Taras Shevchenko   Taras Shevchenko Icon_minitimeНд Лист 06, 2016 11:17 am

Taras Shevchenko - Ukraine's national hero. Do not know his biography shame for anyone who considers themselves a true Ukrainian. Poet born March 9 (February 25) 1814. His place of birth was Moryntsi village (Kiev province at that time). T. Unfortunately, he was born in the family of a serf, squire who was Engelhardt. After 2 years of living in seven Moryntsi "I'm Shevchenko moved to s.Kyrylivka, where he spent his difficult childhood." Difficult "because his mother died in 1823r., Where Taras Shevchenko was only 9 years old. After her death father remarried, and his chosen one was a widow, who had three children. not surprisingly, she did not like Shevchenko and treated him harshly, and sometimes cruel. The only person who belonged to Taras with understanding and compassion, was his sister Catherine. but after she married her support ended. In 1825 his father died, and Shevchenko just turned 12 years old. it began adulthood, unfair and ill ...

Taras Shevchenko from birth loved to write and draw. As a child he often hid in the weeds and small pieces of paper composed poems or drew. Despite the fact that he was an orphan, Taras trying to find a teacher. And found. His first teacher was the clerk who liked to drink and repeatedly beat Taras because of a bad mood. Despite this study, Taras Shevchenko still was able to study the letter. The second neighboring his teachers were painters, but they could only teach Shevchenko basic techniques of drawing. After they Shevchenko became the shepherd of the sheep, but it was short-lived, because when he knocked 16 (1829r.) His servants took away Mr. Engelhardt (originally as Kukharchuk, then - Cossack). Hobby painting did not pass, but instead grew by the minute. For this passion Shevchenko repeatedly received the "neck" of the owner. Tired Taras peel and seeing him a talent for drawing, Engelhardt put him to study painting master Shiryaev. It was there that Shevchenko was possible (when luck smiled) depict the statue in the Summer Garden and visit the Hermitage. Once describing another statue of Taras Shevchenko met I.M.Soshenko. This familiarity has played a huge role in the biography of Taras Shevchenko. It is thanks to Soshenko he met Venetsianov, Bryullov, Zhukovsky. These people bought Shevchenko and the landlord Engelhardt. In those days it was a fortune. And that would get him Masterpieces painted a portrait of Zhukovsky. With the count Velhorskoho was held a private auction, which sold this picture for 2500 rubles. It is for this price was freed Taras Shevchenko April 22 1838r.

Needless to say, the feeling of gratitude TG Shevchenko was not measures. He even dedicated one of the most famous of his works, "Catherine," Zhukovskomu.1840 - 1847 - the heyday of Taras Shevchenko. It was at this time were such great works as "Gaydamak" (most work), "Perebednya", "Poplar", "Mrs.", "Hireling", "Hustochka." Naturally, they all condemned the criticism as were written in Ukrainian. In 1846r. poet arrives in Ukraine to Kyiv, where moving closer to N.I.Kostomarovym, which prompted him to join the Cyril and Methodius. Taras Shevchenko no luck - members of the society were arrested and accused of political treason, for which he took a different form of punishment. Taras got the most, because of his poems, he was sent into exile in Orsk fortress. The worst thing in this was not what he had been imprisoned, and that he was denied the possibility to write and draw, and no request of his friends could not help him. Small salvation for him was the expedition to the Aral Sea in 1848-1849r. Through normal relation Lieutenant Butakova, Taras Shevchenko was allowed to paint landscapes coast. But the happiness did not last long, soon on a favorable attitude to Shevchenko found the government as a result - Shevchenko was sent to Novopetrivtsi and Lieutenant reprimanded. Taras was in Novopetrovskomu of 17zhovtnya 1850r. August 2, 1857g. Staying in this exile was very difficult (especially at first). Because of the inability to draw Shevchenko began to try yourself in the pictures, but that at the time were expensive. So he gave it up and again took up the pen and wrote several Russian novels - "Princess", "Artist", "Gemini". These works of Taras Shevchenko wrote a lot of autobiographical information.

In 1857g. Shevchenko fired undermined health. Since 1858.. in 1859 Taras Shevchenko lived in FP Tolstoy. In 1859.. Taras Shevchenko went home. He immediately to "buy house appeared view over richklyu Dnieper, but unfortunately did not have - February 26, 1861 he died. He was buried in his "Testament" on the Dnieper. After his death, he left a treasure for the Ukrainian nation - "Kobzar".
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Кількість повідомлень : 18
Дата реєстрації : 24.09.2016
Вік : 23

Taras Shevchenko Empty
ПовідомленняТема: Re: Taras Shevchenko   Taras Shevchenko Icon_minitimeСб Лист 12, 2016 2:23 pm

Who was the first love of Taras?
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Кількість повідомлень : 32
Дата реєстрації : 19.10.2015
Вік : 23
Звідки : village Kutysche

Taras Shevchenko Empty
ПовідомленняТема: Re: Taras Shevchenko   Taras Shevchenko Icon_minitimeПн Лист 28, 2016 6:31 pm

romnk пише:
Who was the first love of Taras?

The first strong sense Taras was his love child Oksana Kovalenko.
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ПовідомленняТема: Re: Taras Shevchenko   Taras Shevchenko Icon_minitime

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Taras Shevchenko
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