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 Panas Myrny

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2 користувачів

Кількість повідомлень : 151
Дата реєстрації : 27.08.2015
Вік : 50
Звідки : Івано-Франківська обл

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ПовідомленняТема: Panas Myrny   Panas Myrny Icon_minitimeНд Лист 06, 2016 9:15 pm

Panas Myrny Book_3430_ed075f51621ad56e3c89a3064ee0bf7a
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Кількість повідомлень : 14
Дата реєстрації : 08.10.2015
Вік : 23
Звідки : с.Голосків Коломиймського р-ну

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ПовідомленняТема: Re: Panas Myrny   Panas Myrny Icon_minitimeНд Лист 06, 2016 10:13 pm

Panas Rudchenko born 13 May 1849 in the city. Mirgorod in Poltava in the family official. He studied at Mirgorodskom and Hadiach district school. Not being able to continue regular training, strongly engaged in self-education. Bureaucratic service began in 1863 in Hadiach district court. In 1864 he moved to the county treasury assistant accountant, and later, after a short stay in Pryluky, occupies the same position in Mirgorodskom Treasury. Since 1871 Panas Rudchenko lives and works in Poltava, occupying various positions in the local Exchequer. His first works (the poem "Ukraine" and the story "Mean poputav"), signed garnished name Panas Mirny, appeared abroad in Lviv magazine "Pravda" in 1872. More 1875 in collaboration with his brother Ivan Bilyk had completed work on the novel "Is roaring oxen as a manger full?", In connection with the so-called product Ems decree was not published there for the first time in Geneva in 1880. Even in his early years he was associated with the revolutionary liberation movement of 1875 participated in the illegal work of revolutionary group "Union". When in 1914 it was forbidden to commemorate Shevchenko, writer of appeal, written on the subject, expresses deep indignation and protest actions of the Russian authorities. After the establishment of Soviet power in Ukraine peace, despite his advanced age, in 1917, goes to work in Poltava hubfinviddil. Panas Mirny died January 28, 1920, buried in Poltava.
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Panas Myrny
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