A breather. Another sip. Usual. Habitual. Maybe not the last. The land has taken another turn around an axis at the space station. Some people can not sleep, glowing box. With merges orbit satellite. Drunkard, drink up wine thinks: "To be or not to be?" Night violet shakes dew. Lovers kissing in the park. Jesus stares questioningly with blackened crucifix: "Is it?" String left from the pack. The cold wind pulling poster. At the corner of tram stops brakes and crashed into silence. Normal night. Insomnia. Solitude. The depth of the sky. Moonlight road. A breather. Compressed mouth. Plangent cry of "first aid"
Кількість повідомлень : 32 Дата реєстрації : 19.10.2015 Вік : 23 Звідки : village Kutysche
A gasp of air. Another one, again. A simple, plain one. Not the last, perhaps. Earth makes a circle, doing its affair Around its axis, passing stations in its path.
Someone can't sleep: the light from window's bright. A satellite is coming to an orbit, now unseen. The drunk, while finishing her little bit of wine, Is wondering: "To be or not to be?"
From a night violet drips away the dew. Lovers decide to give the spell of kiss a cast. The Jesus exhibits his view, From blackened cross, putting the worth to test.
Only a few lines are left from once great flocks. Cold wind is beating on an ad with violence. And on the corner tramway slowly stops, Crushing brakes-first into the murky silence.
A simple night. All sleepless and alone. Unending sky. The moonlit road. A gast of air. Lips shut. Silence's on throne. The ambulance is carrying its load.
Кількість повідомлень : 6 Дата реєстрації : 15.02.2016
A breather. Another sip. Usual. Habitual. Maybe not the last. The land has taken another turn around an axis at the space station. Some people can not sleep, glowing box. 3 zlyvaetsya orbit satellite. drunkard, dopyvayuchy wine zamyslyuetsya: "To be or not to be?" violet strushue night dew. Lovers kissing in the park. Jesus inquiring vdyvlyaetsya with blackened crucifix: "Is it?" String left from the pack. The cold wind sharpae poster. At the corner zupynyaetsya tram and brakes vrizaetsya in silence. Normal night. Insomnia. Solitude. The depth of the sky. Moonlight road. A breather. 3tsipleni mouth. drawn-out cry of "first aid".
valusha boiko
Кількість повідомлень : 13 Дата реєстрації : 28.10.2015 Вік : 23 Звідки : Івано-Франківськ
A breather. Another sip. Usual. Habitual. Maybe not the last. The land has taken another turn around an axis at the space station. Some people can not sleep, glowing box. With merges orbit satellite. Drunkard, drink up wine thinks: "To be or not to be?" Night violet shakes dew. Lovers kissing in the park. Jesus stares questioningly with blackened crucifix: "Is it?" String left from the pack. The cold wind pulling poster. At the corner of tram stops brakes and crashed into silence. Normal night. Insomnia. Solitude. The depth of the sky. Moonlight road. A breather. Compressed mouth. Plangent cry of "first aid".
Roman Barabash
Кількість повідомлень : 8 Дата реєстрації : 08.10.2015 Вік : 23
The gulp of the air. One more the gulp. Normal. Usual. Maybe, not the latest. The Earth has done one more the flight Around the axis, near by the cosmic places.
Someone can't sleep, in the window the light is shining The orbit and the satellite are interflowing The drunkard, drinking to the and his wine, is thinking: ''What is the sense of the today's living?''
The night violet is shaking dew at dark The lovers are kissing in the park. The question is in Jesus' eyes, who's hanging on the darkened crossing sign ''Is it worth?'' and ''Why?''
The strings are staying instead of the pods The chilly wind is jerking placard. The tram is stopping at the corner of the street The silence is disturbing by the brakes of wheels.
The night is usual. The insomnia. The solitude. The abyss of the sky. The monthly road. The gulp of the air. The serried mouth. The drawling sound of the ambulance.
Кількість повідомлень : 14 Дата реєстрації : 08.10.2015 Вік : 23 Звідки : с.Голосків Коломиймського р-ну
A sip of air, one more sip. Simple. Simple. I hope not last. The ground made one more sip Around the axis near the stations
Someone’s not asleep, his window’s shining Satellites are merging with their orbits Drunkard’s getting high with his wines Is asking himself:”To move or to remain?”
Nightly violets are shaking their dew And lowers are still kissing in the gardens And Jesus Christ is looking out inquiringly From blackened crucifix:” Is tit worth?”
The strings are leaving of large bevies Cold wind is scratching old posters The tram is stopping at the corner of the street The silence’s broken by its brakes
Redwood night. Vigil. Seclusion. Void sky. Moon road A sip of air has glued the lips. A voice of ambulance has drowned crying
Valera Rositskiy
Кількість повідомлень : 65 Дата реєстрації : 14.10.2015
це юри A gasp of air. Another one, again. A simple, plain one. Not the last, perhaps. Earth makes a circle, doing its affair Around its axis, passing stations in its path. Some people can not sleep, glowing box. With merges orbit satellite. Drunkard, drink up wine thinks: "To be or not to be?" The night violet is shaking dew at dark The lovers are kissing in the park. The question is in Jesus' eyes, who's hanging on the darkened crossing sign ''Is it worth?'' and ''Why?'' Tails remain from the packs. The cold wind racked the poster. On the corner is a tram stop And brakes cuts into the silence. Redwood night. Vigil. Seclusion. Void sky. Moon road A sip of air has glued the lips. A voice of ambulance has drowned crying
Кількість повідомлень : 6 Дата реєстрації : 28.11.2016