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 Ukrainian scientists

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Кількість повідомлень : 151
Дата реєстрації : 27.08.2015
Вік : 50
Звідки : Івано-Франківська обл

Ukrainian scientists Empty
ПовідомленняТема: Ukrainian scientists   Ukrainian scientists Icon_minitimeВт Жовт 06, 2015 6:22 pm

Mykola Mykhailovych Amosov (1913-2002)
is probably best-remembered for his inventions to overcome heart defects. He also introduced lung surgery to Ukraine and his research helped improve the treatment of lung disease.
Furthermore, he worked in the field of cybernetics: the study of how actions in one part of a system affect other parts of the same system. This led him to put forward theories on how different parts of the body function, including the brain. His work in this area brought him international
recognition. He also managed to find time to be a novelist.

Serhii Pavlovych Koroliov (1907-1966)
has been called the father of astronautics. He was the leading rocket engineer duringthe 1950s and 1960s when he worked on the Sputnik and Vostok space projects. Koroliov's interest in aviation started early and by the time he was eighteen he had designed his own glider. It was not until the 1950s that he became interested in the space industry. He came up with the idea of sending a satellite into space. At the same time, US scientists were beginning to have similar ideas. Koroliov managed to persuade the Soviet authorities that his team could be the first to do it.
Following this, he was able to pull off several firsts in the 'space race'. He was working on plans to send men to the moon when he died in 1962. His association with space continues as there is a crater on the moon named after him.

lllia lllich Mechnikov (1845-1916)
took an interest in natural history from an early age and used to lecture his younger brothers and friends on this subject. He first started working in marine biology. Later, he became interested in immunology and took up the study of how organisms fight disease. This area was of personal interest to Mechnikov because his first wife died of tuberculosis and his second wife almost died of typhoid fever - both common diseases at the time. Through his research, scientists gained a much better understanding of how cells protect organisms. He is most famous for his research on the immune system. He won many awards for his work and in 1908 he received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

Yevhen Oskarovych Paton (1870-1953)
played a major role in developing the way bridges were built and designed. He did this by looking into the ways metals canbe welded together. From his research he developed a procedure to work out how strong joints of bridges and other structures would be. In 1934, Paton founded the Electric Welding Institute, later named after him. Then, in 1953 a bridge was built in Kyiv using many different aspects of his technology.
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