Кількість повідомлень : 151 Дата реєстрації : 27.08.2015 Вік : 50 Звідки : Івано-Франківська обл
Тема: New Zealand 100% pure Beauty Вт Жовт 06, 2015 8:49 pm
What is the name of the country which has volcanoes and rivers of ice, deer and sea-elephants?
It is New Zealand, called the Land of the Long White Cloud by the Maoris. New Zealand is an island country. It is made up of three islands: the North and South Islands and Steward Island, a small land mass just to the south of (he South Island. Most of its people live in North Island, and that is where you find big volcanoes like Egmont and Tongariro and the boiling pools and geysers and lakes of bubbling mud. Auckland, Christ church and Wellington are the biggest cities. Wellington is the capital. read more & watch a video